Green Thumb Helpers

Throughout the growing season each year, from late April through September, KVIS members and friends tend the gazebo garden, the gardens at the point of the Village Green at the two Delaware’s, the Post Office garden, Corner Store garden, and other many little gardens along Delaware Avenue and municipal parking lots. The people who tend them are called Green Thumb Helpers; they weed, sometimes plant, and keep these gardens free from debris throughout the growing season. These people do so as a gift to our community and because they believe that well tended gardens help the Village look more visually appealing and cared for. Our Village DPW graciously assists us in our Green Thumb Helpers initiative by adding mulch to the garden beds annually.
If you have a love of growing things, please consider becoming a Green Thumb Helper; there are many other small gardens available to be adopted by you to maintain this and every year. With your help, we’ll keep the Village verdant and lovely looking throughout the warm months.
If you have a love of growing things, please consider becoming a Green Thumb Helper; there are many other small gardens available to be adopted by you to maintain this and every year. With your help, we’ll keep the Village verdant and lovely looking throughout the warm months.
Delaware Avenue Point Gardens
KVIS member Dave Brennon is a gardener and master plants man who has given the Village the great gift of an artful and vivid display of color at the heart of the Village. Several years ago Dave, a member of the Public Properties Committee, became the Coordinator of the Point Gardens. Since then he has transformed the space with hundreds of perennials and annuals, all of which he has generously supplied from his own funds. At one time the point gardens were dusty beds of single petunia flowers planted a foot apart, their poor heads drooping from heat. But now the two point gardens and the raised brick divider containers give an amazing display of continually changing color, shape, and form throughout the growing season! Dave continues to create and alter the garden each year, visiting it every day to weed, water, and prune the plants. It is difficult to adequately thank this kind gentleman for the visual beauty and integrity he gives our community –we stand in awe of his dedication and are filled with gratitude for him.
KVIS member Dave Brennon is a gardener and master plants man who has given the Village the great gift of an artful and vivid display of color at the heart of the Village. Several years ago Dave, a member of the Public Properties Committee, became the Coordinator of the Point Gardens. Since then he has transformed the space with hundreds of perennials and annuals, all of which he has generously supplied from his own funds. At one time the point gardens were dusty beds of single petunia flowers planted a foot apart, their poor heads drooping from heat. But now the two point gardens and the raised brick divider containers give an amazing display of continually changing color, shape, and form throughout the growing season! Dave continues to create and alter the garden each year, visiting it every day to weed, water, and prune the plants. It is difficult to adequately thank this kind gentleman for the visual beauty and integrity he gives our community –we stand in awe of his dedication and are filled with gratitude for him.
Gazebo Gardens
The area around the gazebo is planted with evergreens, mixed shrubs, and hosta’s. Each Spring, the KVIS gets together to prune, weed, and spruce up the area in time for the Memorial Day Parade. After this initial clean-up, the Green Thumb Helpers work to keep the area looking good throughout the hot summer days until the end of the growing season. At that time, around the end of September, we do a Fall clean-up of the area when we decorate for Autumn. We are always in need of additional help for this area. If you would like to help beautify this focal point of the Village, please contact the KVIS. |
Green Thumb Scouts
One year our Green Thumb Helpers were joined by about a dozen area Scout Troops in helping beautify the Village. The Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Daisy’s and Brownies planted flowers in the little gardens along Delaware Avenue and at the entrances to the municipal parking lots. Gardening at home is rewarding but gardening for so many, in public places that belong to us all, gives one a deep sense of pride and a fulfilling feeling of true community. That sense of pride was certainly present at the festive pizza lunch party enjoyed by all after a morning of planting. Many thanks to the KVIS members Beth Bordeleau and Jessica Sidor, and to the many Scout parents and Troop Leaders who helped make this special time together possible.
One year our Green Thumb Helpers were joined by about a dozen area Scout Troops in helping beautify the Village. The Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Daisy’s and Brownies planted flowers in the little gardens along Delaware Avenue and at the entrances to the municipal parking lots. Gardening at home is rewarding but gardening for so many, in public places that belong to us all, gives one a deep sense of pride and a fulfilling feeling of true community. That sense of pride was certainly present at the festive pizza lunch party enjoyed by all after a morning of planting. Many thanks to the KVIS members Beth Bordeleau and Jessica Sidor, and to the many Scout parents and Troop Leaders who helped make this special time together possible.
In Memory of Linda
Linda Schoemich met her husband Jerry when they were just 13 and 15 years old. Linda was a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner who loved the Kenmore Village home she shared with Jerry for 43 years ...and she loved the plant Lilly of the Valley. Those who love Linda and her family made a kind and generous donation to the KVIS in memory of this extraordinary woman. Our Green Thumb Helpers volunteers have planted her favorite plant in the Delaware Avenue garden next to Best of Health. Linda gave so many gifts of beauty throughout her life –the scent and loveliness of these flowers is now a continuation of these gifts for all to enjoy.
Linda Schoemich met her husband Jerry when they were just 13 and 15 years old. Linda was a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner who loved the Kenmore Village home she shared with Jerry for 43 years ...and she loved the plant Lilly of the Valley. Those who love Linda and her family made a kind and generous donation to the KVIS in memory of this extraordinary woman. Our Green Thumb Helpers volunteers have planted her favorite plant in the Delaware Avenue garden next to Best of Health. Linda gave so many gifts of beauty throughout her life –the scent and loveliness of these flowers is now a continuation of these gifts for all to enjoy.