The COVID-19 pandemic has eased and has allowed our community to resume many activities, especially outdoors. But even as we're making progress in slowing the advance of the virus, the variants continues to be a threat. When the pandemic first began, the KVIS reached out to neighbors, offering to help in whatever ways were needed. This continues today with members helping to ease the burdens and the loneliness that are so much a part of this experience. The pandemic has taken its toll on our KenTon community in countless ways, yet perhaps it has also bestowed some gifts as the world stilled and quieted. The memories we all have of this time are important and should be collected and recorded, for ourselves, as we look back on what we've experienced, and for those who come after us. So we invite you and all those you know of any age, individuals and groups, to share your thoughts and feelings about your pandemic experience. We will be collecting these stories (and photos too) until the end of 2022 and plan to publish a book of these memories to share with the community. Thank you for continuing to be a part of the place call home.
Kenmore Village Improvement Society (KVIS)
16 Warren Avenue Kenmore, NY 14217 (716) 877-0477 [email protected] Copyright 2022, All Rights Reserved |